HERMES (WIRED): Healthcare Emergency Resources for Mass Epidemics Sustainability (With Intelligent, Robotic, and Embedded Devices)
Bando per la ricerca d'Ateneo, finanziato con delibera del S.A. 256/2020 del 24/11/2020
GREENTAGS: Chipless radio frequency identification (RFID) for GREEN TAGging and Sensing
PRIN 2017, finanziato con D.D. 29 ottobre 2019 prot. n. 2068
AI4EU - Task 7.6: New foundations for human-centred AI
Funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 825619
COPPER: Cybernetic On-Field Program for Psychological and Environmental Resilience
presented within the National Program for Military Research of the Italian Ministry of Defence
MANDOS: Microwave Actived NanoDrug Oncological System
In collaborazione con: Ohio State University, New York University, Università di Catania
DEMETRA: Domotica per l'Efficentamento ed il Monitoraggio Energetico-Termico, il Risparmio e l’Ambiente
progetto triennale approvato presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Architettura dell’Università di Catania
CLARA: CLoud plAtform and smart underground imaging for natural Risk Assessment
Funded by Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) within the PON Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013 (May 2nd, 2016 to March 12nd, 2018)
The CLARA project is characterized by innovative activities in the areas of territorial security and ICT. The main objective is the acquisition of greater knowledge of the territory on the phenomena of hydrogeological instability and seismic risk that can affect inhabited centers, through the development of widespread smart technologies that allow the acquisition, management and sharing of complex information from direct observations remote sensing, in situ, and from databases on the real consistency of the danger levels of the phenomena and vulnerability of urbanized areas, adopting the open-government and open-data paradigms. Among the operational objectives of the project there is the creation of an information system, based on open cloud platforms, aimed at the sectors of the competent territorial bodies connected through the direct distribution of original information bases on the geomorphological conditions of instability of the territory, as well as on vulnerability scenarios inhabited areas, strategic structures, infrastructures most exposed to seismic and landslide risk.PHOTON:Photonic Hardware for Optical Transmission with Organic Nanotechnology
presented within the National Program for Military Research of the Italian Ministry of Defence
presentato per il bando SONATA 2016 del Ministero delle Scienze della Repubblica di Polonia
presentato per il bando SONATA 2015 del Ministero delle Scienze della Repubblica di Polonia
PRIME: Piattaforma di Reasoning Integrata, Multimedia, Esperta
Funded by Regione Sicilia within the PO FESR 2007-2013 framework (October 3rd, 2012 to December 31st, 2015)
The main objective of the research on the project concerned an innovative approach and a prototype for organizing reports and relevant data extracted from information flows from various sources, such as messages, twitter, transcriptions. The research therefore aimed at a specific analysis of unstructured text.For the text analysis a model of relationships between parts of text has been proposed, through which significant terms are identified from a sentence in Italian and the so-called Named Entity Recognition is carried out. The approach manages to find the terms without relying on external databases, these are unusable since the domain used is unknown for the text to be analyzed and also pseudonyms are often used for places, people, goods, etc.JACOS: Javacard Global Platform Operating System su smart card e PKCS#11 test applet
Funded by Regione Sicilia within the PO FESR 2007-2013 framework (October 3rd, 2011 to December 31st, 2015)
The main objective of the research concerned the proposal of an innovative approach and a prototype to verify the correctness of the execution of code in a Virtual Machine for the Java language. For this verification it was possible to automatically generate both legal and non-legal combinations of code fragments that the Virtual Machine should perform. Thanks to an exhaustive generation of combinations of fragments of executable code and the presence of an executor processing model, which acts as an oracle, it is possible to detect whether the executor detects and blocks attempts to execute malicious code.PRISMA: PiattafoRme cloud Interoperabili per SMArt-government
Funded by Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) within the PON Smart Cities program (October 3rd, 2012 to December 31st, 2015)
The main objective of the research on the project section for which I was responsible was the identification of techniques for evaluating the performance of an administrative process. Various points of attachment to the software system supporting the execution of workflows on a cloud have therefore been designed and some monitoring, evaluation and reaction automatisms have been created to possible delays that can occur, both due to human factors and due to the resources of processing used.