Advances in HPC
PhD program in Engineering in Computer Science - A.Y. 2020/21 (spring semester)
Advances in High Performance Computing
PhD program in Engineering in Computer Science - A.Y. 2019/20 (fall semester)
1.5 ECTS/CFU (type B)
A modern approach scientific problems make use of computing systems for the creation of models, the simulation of scenarios and the experimental verification of hypotheses that are difficult to recreate in the laboratory. Moreover an increasing number of home consumer applications have just begun to require and use high performance computing platforms.
This course aims to offer a brief introduction to high performance computing architectures and their main paradigms: MPI, OpenMP and GPGPU. Finally, the course aims to give few basic tools as starting point for further study and related application, with particular reference to modern hybrid programming techniques for high performance parallel computing.
Plan of the lectures*
*dates and LOCAL time (LT) are expressed in the ISO 8601/UNI EN 28601 standard ( YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm/hh:mm)
Lecture 1 (2021-04-08 15:00/18:00 LT=CEST=GMT+2:00)
HPC: clusters, galaxies and cloud. Flynn taxonomy, memory, threads, scheduling.
Lecture 2 (2021-04-15 15:00/18:00 LT=CEST=GMT+2:00)
Message Passing Interface
Lecture 3 (2021-04-22 15:00/18:00 LT=CEST=GMT+2:00)
OpenMP and shared memory paradigms
Lecture 4 (2021-04-28 15:00/18:00 LT=CEST=GMT+2:00)
GPGPU computing and hybrid paradigms
Lecture 5 (2021-05-06 15:00/18:00 LT=CEST=GMT+2:00)
This final lecture will include a test for the students with small short questions, as well as presentations and demos of the students' homeworks.
Exam (1.5 ECTS/CFU credits - type B)
The exam consists of a development project using techniques related to the course topics. The candidates will be required to deliver the developed code, any correlated datasets, and a report. The report will be structured as a scientific publication and must include a description of the problem, the solution developed and the results obtained. Passing the exam entitles the candidate with 1.5 ECTS/CFU of type B, as specified in the regulations of the doctoral program.
subscribe to the course with the following code: lmji34h
follow the instructions given into the virtual classroom
use the google meet link you will find in the classroom header
Thank you for your cooperation.